October 11, 2023 7:52am

Amid the ongoing cell and gene therapy sector volatility, “our” universe’s trend remains " in a constant correction." That means that investors are safer on the sidelines as again … earnings are coming.

Pre-Open indications: 3 Sell into Strength, 3 Positive and 4 Negative Indications

Subscription is coming, it’s not conscription but, an offer to join our collective of like-minded investors! 

Skim if you can trim, buy if it will fly and sell if compelled!

Never leave an investor uninformed

8:00 a.m. edition

Remember that overnight and pre-open actions in futures don't necessarily translate into actual trading in the coming day’s session. My interpretation of the morning’s numbers is written to be informative; it’s built on what could happen or materialize

Instead of harping on NOT buying the right names at the right time or NOT waiting long enough to take profit, I suggest dropping the "shoulda, coulda, wouldas" and thinking about where your portfolio is most vulnerable!


Dow futures are UP +0.27% or (+91 points), S&P futures are UP +0.29% or (+12 points) and NASDAQ futures are UP +0.40% or (+61 point) early in the pre-open – so far

Stock futures are rising on Wednesday as Treasury yield drop on Wednesday,

European stock markets were mixed,

Asia-Pacific markets were all up.



We need to more than consider the economic environment - rising rates and inflation to comprehend the micro re “our” universe of cell and gene therapy companies …

Indexes rose Tuesday, Dow closed UP +134.65 points or +0.40%, the S&P closed UP +22.58 points or +0.52% while the Nasdaq closed UP +78.61 points or +0.58%.

Economic Data Docket: September’s producer price index report. Economists expect that the PPI gained 0.3% last month.

  • Release of minutes from the Fed’s latest meeting due in the afternoon COULD offer insight into the rate hiking cycle after it chose to skip an interest rate increase last month.


Tuesday’s (10/10) RegMed Investors’ (RMi) closing bell: “Falling bond yields lifted cell and gene therapy sector equities. “Uncle algo” and his electronic trading cousins came to visit assisting the seasonal volatility, macroeconomic and pricing dynamic environment.”https://www.regmedinvestors.com/articles/13157


Ebb and flow:

Q4: October – 3 positive and 4 negative closes


·         September – 1 holiday, 8 positive and 12 negative closes

·         August – 9 positive and 14 negative closes

·         July - 1 holiday, 12 positive and 8 negative close


Companies in my headlights – It’s your decision; I provide ideas and context:

I post about “indication intelligence” devoting my time to collection and analysis of information to assist investors with insight into sector vulnerabilities and strengths. A dictionary definition of “indicate” refers to something less than a certainty; an indication could be a signal of being oversold or overbought, a recommendation, or grounds for inferring or a basis for believing.


Sell into Strength:

Tuesday’s closing price, some Monday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday and last Monday’s closing “numbers” with aftermarket dollar ($) and cent ($0.00) value and percentage (%)

CRISPR Therapeutics (CRSP) closed up +$1.33 after Monday’s -$0.55, Friday’s +$0.06, Thursday’s +$1.38, and last Wednesday’s -$1.32 with a positive +$0.14 or +0.32% pre-open indication

Vericel (VCEL) closed up +$0.38 after Monday’s +$0.27 with a neutral aftermarket indication.

uniQure NV (QURE) closed up +$0.24 after Monday’s -$0.34, Friday’s +$0.23 and Thursday’s +$0.70 with a neutral $0.00 or 0% aftermarket indication


Negative Indications:

Tuesday’s closing price, some Monday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday and last Monday’s closing “numbers” with aftermarket dollar ($) and cent ($0.00) value and percentage (%)

AxoGen (AXGN) closed down -$0.19 after Friday’s -$0.14 after Thursday’s -$0.08 with a negative -$0.02 or -0.44% aftermarket indication.

Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals (RARE) closed up +$0.92 after Monday’s +$0.45, Friday’s +$0.26, Thursday’s +$0.73 and last Wednesday’s -$1.22 with a negative -$0.05 or -0.14% aftermarket indication.

Regenxbio (RGNX) closed up +$0.75 after Monday’s +$0.18 with a negative -$0.30 or -1.78% aftermarket indication.

Voyager Therapeutics (VYGR) closed up +$0.19 after Monday’s +$0.12 and Friday’s +$0.21 with a negative -$0.10 or -1.30% aftermarket indication


Positive indications:

Tuesday’s closing price, some Monday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday and last Monday’s closing “numbers” with aftermarket dollar ($) and cent ($0.00) value and percentage (%)

Beam Therapeutics (BEAM) closed up +$0.36 after Monday’s +$0.49, -$0.83 after Thursday’s +$0.72, Wednesday’s -$0.85 with a positive +$0.66 or +2.96 pre-open indication

Blueprint Medicine (BPMC) closed down -$0.13 after Monday’s +$0.98, Friday’s +$0.16, Thursday’s +$3.11 and last Wednesday’s -$2.29 with a positive +$1.01 or +2.01% aftermarket indication.

Prime Medicine (PRME) closed down -$0.28 after Monday’s -$0.17 with a positive +$0.22 or +2.61% aftermarket indication


The BOTTOM LINE: Ask yourself, do you know why you own certain equity?

There’s a difference between trust and conviction. Trust is something you can rely on, beyond certainty. Conviction doesn't demand that you, or anyone else, play by the rules. After gains, there’s pain; followed by advances, declines and other progressions or was it regressions?

  • With no sigh of relief, I try to answer or qualify one question, in which company should investors put, keep and commit their money
  • After October’s first week of 3 positive and 4 negative close in the new month.
  • Remember, the closer we get to earnings releases <LPS or loss per share sweepstakes> the leaner gains or expressive losses are going to be!


People are always asking me, what’s the most difficult job you’ve ever done. I always say it’s the job I’m doing at the moment as there are days that really touch a nerve!

  • We've all experienced "gut churn” or portfolio mothly readings!  It's that feeling when your stomach stops to function, while you anticipate or wait for something versus anything to happen.


Wednesday Economic Data:

  • Producer Price Index, month-over-month, September (+0.3% expected, +0.7% previously); PPI, year-over-year, September (+1.6% expected; +1.6% previously); Core PPI, month-over-month, September (+0.2% expected, +0.2% previously); Core PPI, year-over-year, September (+2.3% expected; +2.2% previously); FOMC meeting minutes


What’s behind the numbers: uncertainty

  • A sentiment factor driven by algorithms and electronic trading,
  • A fall in bond yields
  • Lack of weak economic data or a solid reason for yields to keep falling.,
  • Falling oil pricing,
  • Dovish remarks from officials at the Fed,


I hate to be so negative or contrarian but, this is a NO spin zone and facts are its product; I am more frequently right than consequentially wrong but, I am mostly EARLY!

  • As the leading voice of cell and gene therapy investors; I am NOT always a doom and gloom analyst/journalist but a man who has been “there” (BUY, SELL, VC and operating roles) with the gray hair and a readership following with real numbers to prove it!


Opinions expressed are those of the author and are subject to change, and not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice. All investments are subject to risks. Investors should consider investment objectives.

Whether information or intelligence is good, bad or somewhere in between; I put into context what is relevant and useful for investors.  All investments are subject to risks. Investors should consider investment objectives.  Regulation Analyst Certification (Reg AC): The research analyst primarily responsible for the content of this report certifies the following under Reg AC: I hereby certify that all views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.

Henry McCusker, the editor and publisher of RegMed Investors could hold or have positions securities referred to in this publication and he will NOTIFY investors of holdings.